Publication / Essay / 2021

:transdisciplinary platformative farm focused on the translation of research postponed practices and the development of voluntary experimentation in the grids of social, artistic and theoretical fibres: sa a plug-in domain +
The activity of the platform and the constitution of the magazine is based on the principle of import - export for the translation of articles (bilingual Serbian-English) as well as on active research and testing of the possibility of applying scientific-corporate methods of swarm intelligence. In particular, the plug-in characteristic of the flexibility of this platform is designed and postulated as doubly connectable to other platforms.
Swarm is a transdisciplinary platform whose secondary form of manifestation is an interdisciplinary magazine, focused on the translation of research practices and the development of experimentation in the social, artistic and theoretical.
The activity of the platform and the constitution of the magazine is based on the principle of import - export for the translation of articles (bilingual Serbian-English) as well as on active research and testing of the possibility of applying scientific-corporate methods of swarm intelligence. In particular, the plug-in characteristic of the flexibility of this platform is designed and postulated as doubly connectable to other platforms.
︎Reza Negarestani,
Human Centipede: A view from the Artworld

Translation of The Human Centipede, an obcene and rigorous critique of the artworld in the midst of neoliberal capitalism, by Reza Negarestani. Which according to Mat Dryhurst is a 'critique on the lack of accountability in contemporary art.' Text was presented on the symposium Escape Velocities, Will you be a part of this? November, @e_flux, New York 2013.
︎Luka Bešlagić,
Introduction chapter: Platformacija
sučeljavanje dijegetičkog prostora pripovedanog rituala sa materijalnošću prisutnog predmeta—

︎Velimir Popović,

have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
have you ever been lost in a graph: space?
︎Reza Negarestani,
[zvučna viljuška spekulacije]

[zvučna viljuška spekulacije]
ima dva kraka. Jedan je krak razuma; drugi krak je sečivo (britva). Spekulativni umetnik ili filozof istovremeno ima britvicu u jednoj ruci, a razum u drugoj. Ovo dvoje, razum i sečivo, u suštini nisu zamenljivi. Britva je sama po sebi romantična i slep alat. Ona seče radi bivanja ekstremnim.
A razum sam nema istrajnosti ili odvažnosti da evakuiše čak i racionalno tlo samog sebe.
Excerpt: The Medium of Contingency, Urbanomic
ima dva kraka. Jedan je krak razuma; drugi krak je sečivo (britva). Spekulativni umetnik ili filozof istovremeno ima britvicu u jednoj ruci, a razum u drugoj. Ovo dvoje, razum i sečivo, u suštini nisu zamenljivi. Britva je sama po sebi romantična i slep alat. Ona seče radi bivanja ekstremnim.
A razum sam nema istrajnosti ili odvažnosti da evakuiše čak i racionalno tlo samog sebe.
Excerpt: The Medium of Contingency, Urbanomic

Američka Ideologija II
1995. godine otkrijem ja časopis Telos u univerzitetskoj
biblioteci na Berkliju kad tamo - pominju Karla Smita (Carl
Schmitt) u superlativu! A ja za Smita prvi put čuo u Dugi od
Kalajica. I tu ja provalim da je Telos komunistički časopis, to jest gramsijevski i frankfurtovski; to jest jest, post-gramsijevsk i post-frankfurtovski jer je glavni urednik, legeda Pol Pikone(Paul Piccone) original Italijan iz Njujorka, ukapirao koji je Smit tata za Gramsija a kamoli za frankfurtovce.
1995. godine otkrijem ja časopis Telos u univerzitetskoj
biblioteci na Berkliju kad tamo - pominju Karla Smita (Carl
Schmitt) u superlativu! A ja za Smita prvi put čuo u Dugi od
Kalajica. I tu ja provalim da je Telos komunistički časopis, to jest gramsijevski i frankfurtovski; to jest jest, post-gramsijevsk i post-frankfurtovski jer je glavni urednik, legeda Pol Pikone(Paul Piccone) original Italijan iz Njujorka, ukapirao koji je Smit tata za Gramsija a kamoli za frankfurtovce.

Editorial SI prologue:

C.S.Pierce, drawing
where is the contex? a meta-performativity should come in place, an activist practice instead of art as predominantly configured. one falls into a strange narration. a tireless worker in a block-chain totality, a figure of hydra, which by cutting its head makes another copy, we withstand one new pastiche world, if necro-management takes over the landscape, we can consider ourselves ‘absolutely fucked’ today is without end and now is less now
* platform_journal from RS, sampling its contributions for the first pilot. Export_Import translation module (bilingual) based on SI.
* editorial _ visual-ident des
ign _ interdisciplinary ***
* plug-in development
